Andrew at 11 months.

Andrew at 23 months.

Andrew at 3 years.
Born: March 30, 2001
Birth weight: 25 pounds
L-S Magma x Hannah Kelly
Andrew is a highly intelligent llama. He learned things easily while being trained. Also, Andrew's disposition has been that of a very nice llama who wants to do things and who is interested in what people are doing around him.
Andrew has grown tall and handsome at two and one half years old. He recently went on his first overnight pack trip. Much of the time he took the lead of a group of seven llamas on the trip. He responded calmly to backpackers, dogs, horses, elk and other new sights and sounds. He stood well for saddling and loading. He handled being picketed out without problems. Andrew is destined to be a great packer.
As he has developed, it has become clear that Andrew has the potential to be a great herd sire as well as a great packer. He comes from a line of females that produce lots and lots of milk and grow big babies. His mother, Hannah Kelly, is one of the tallest girls in our herd. Hannah's father (Andrew's grandfather) is Ebenezer, our wonderful old retired packer and herd sire. Andrew's father, Magma, is our current lead packer and herd sire. If you are looking for a herd sire, I suggest you consider Andrew.
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