
Mother: Starshine
Father: Magma
DOB: March 18, 2002
Stardust is the fourth generation in her family to be born on our place. Mother, Starshine, is a nicely correct girl. She is a super mother with plentiful milk and fast gaining babies. Sisters and aunts also have been great producers. Stardust has four sisters and three brothers. Two sisters and two brothers are now pack llamas. Father, Magma, is our stud and leads our pack string. He is a powerful, solid packer, 47 inches at the withers with many babies to his credit. Grandfather, Ebenezer, was our main stud and core of our pack string for many many years.
Stardust is a true classic llama with short fiber and plentiful guard hair. Her legs and head are bare. Stardust is sometimes fearful of what she is unsure of. It is important for the person working with her to earn her trust. She is calm when we are working in the stall around her. We have been able to trim her toenails free-standing in the stall (no halter, no lead rope). She has begun pack training and made her first over night trip.
Stardust has the characteristics to make a good pack llama. She has the heritage to be a fine producing female.
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